Rajiv Arora and Rajesh Ajmera launched Amrapali after becoming fascinated with the authentic tribal jewelry worn by local women in India's states. Handcrafted from 18-karat white gold, these earrings are dropped with a lustrous pearl and set with a black onyx stone that's illuminated by 2.65-carats of twinkling diamonds. They make such an opulent accessory for special events.
Product # | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
Available packaging | LOLDuis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit |
Weight | dolor sit amet |
Sunt in culpa qui | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
Weight | dolor sit amet |
Sunt in culpa qui | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
Product # | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
Available packaging | LOLDuis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit |