Bottega Veneta's indigo denim jeans reference workwear with an exaggerated tag at one side and yellow stitching in the signature 'V' across the back. This pair has been made in Italy, tailored for a boyfriend silhouette that's extra long in the leg to gather slightly over your shoes. Wear it with: [Bottega Veneta Jacket id1256662], [Bottega Veneta Shoulder bag id1285966], [Bottega Veneta Ankle boots id1255841].
Product # | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
Available packaging | LOLDuis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit |
Weight | dolor sit amet |
Sunt in culpa qui | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
Weight | dolor sit amet |
Sunt in culpa qui | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
Product # | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
Available packaging | LOLDuis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit |