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Bumbleride Indie All Terrain Stroller in Dusk

  • $749.00 USD


An everyday stroller made for active families is the only one you'll need from birth through toddlerhood and is unmatched in versatility. Why parents will love it: Its air-filled tires and all-wheel suspension give you the smoothest push and most comfortable ride no matter where you explore. The lightweight, compact frame includes a five-point breakaway harness with shoulder pads, along with a wrist strap, to keep your child safe on the trail. Also, this stroller is a sustainable choice with recycled fabrics, untreated padding and plastic components that are 25 percent sourced from ocean plastics. Why kids will love it: Built-in storage pockets for water bottles and snacks keeps your kid happy on your outdoor adventure. A UPF 45+ canopy with an extension your child shaded from the sun. An adjustable footrest for infants and a deep footwell for toddlers keep it comfortable for years to come. Maximum child weight/height: 0 to 55 lb.; ages 0 to 4.Stroller weight/dimensions: 24 lb, 37.5"L x 24.5"W x 27-47"H unfolded; 32.5"L x 24.5"W x 11.5"H folded. Fold: One-step hinged fold with ergonomic trigger release and auto-lock. Recline: Recline capabilities. Tires: Air-filled tires (pump included); all wheel suspension; 360-degree swivel front wheel with in-line lock option for all-terrain and light jogging. Car seat compatibility: Compatible with Maxi Cosi®: Mico AP and Mico; Cybex: Aton Q, Aton 2 and Aton; Nuna®: Pipa Lite & Pipa Lite LX with adapters (sold separately).Conversion options: N/A. Large cargo basket Rear axle break Durable water-repellent (DWR) finish GRS-certified recycled polyester/metal/plastic/wool Seat, bumper bar and canopy fabric is removable and machine washable Imported OEKO-TEX®-certified materials free of harmful substances This product meets the Global Recycled Standard (GRS), a voluntary certification for products with at least 20% recycled content, which supports accurate labeling, innovative use of reclaimed materials and supply-chain transparency This product meets Nordstrom Sustainably Sourced Materials criteria: contains at least 30% sustainably sourced materials This product meets Nordstrom Responsible Manufacturing criteria: made in a factory that meets higher environmental or social standards

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