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L'Atelier du Vin

L'Atelier du Vin Oeno Collection 4 Sommelier 's Gift Box in Chrome Silver

  • $180.00 USD


This gift set is a sommelier's dream with a wine dandy and a Champagne cork opener that quickly and smoothly remove bottle corks without losing a drop.What it does: The Soft MachineĀ® Dandy is handmade and extracts the cork vertically in a single movement without having to twist due to its unique rack system. The chrome Champagne cork opener is easily positioned at the jaw around the cork while you rotate the handle and gently apply pressure with the thumb or index finger. The cork comes free, without popping off, and remains inside the opener. This is the safest and most practical way to open Champagne bottles.Includes: Soft Machine dandy corkscrew and a Champagne cork opener. Stainless steel/metal/acetate Imported

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