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mima Xari 4G Chassis Stroller & Maxi-Cosi® Mico XP Infant Car Seat Travel System in Gold Gold Black Black

  • $1,899.99 USD


A complete travel set includes an all-in-one Xari 4G stroller along with a Maxi-Cosi Mico XP infant car seat and base to cover all your on-the-go needs.Why parents will love it: The stroller seat comes with the collapsible carrycot bassinet inside, so you'll have it with you and ready to use wherever you go. Simply unzip the stroller-seat shell, pull out the bassinet frame and snap it firmly in place. The push handle is adjustable and front and back lidded gear baskets give you out-of-sight places to store on-the-go necessities.Why kids will love it: The stroller seat faces front or back, rides higher or lower along the frame as baby prefers and has a three-position recline, which goes nearly flat when your little one gets sleepy. A cushy, removable bumper bar gives them a place to lean, and a rain cover is included, so you don't have to cut your walk short when the sun goes behind a cloud.Maximum child weight/height: Stroller is for use from birth to 37.4 lb. Carrycot for use through 6 months or when baby can sit unaided. Car seat accommodates babies up to 30 lb. or 32" with included Cozi-Dozi™ infant insert for babies as small as 4 lb.Stroller weight/dimensions: Chassis weight: 20.3 lb.; weight of carrycot with mattress: 5.2 lb.; weight of seat: 9.2 lb.; 34.2" x 24".Car seat weight/dimensions: 8 lb.; 8.5" x 17.5" x 23.5".Fold: One-step push button fold/automatic unfold.Recline: Seat has three recline positions: sitting, resting and nearly flat for sleeping. Includes stroller, carrycot bassinet, car seat and base Breathable, moisture-wicking fabric deodorizes and draws liquids away from the skin to help keep baby dry and comfortable Pure Cosi™ fabric is wool-free and without added fire-retardant treatment Car seat and stroller fabrics can be removed and is machine washable Plastic/metal/textile Imported

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